You have a burning desire to start something new, to change, to transform.
You may be frustrated or have lack of energy because of your lack of action, your postponing, your excuses, maybe even procrastinating. The cost of inaction is too high. While the rewards of taking a first small step are huge - you can make your business', team's or your own vision a reality.
Why wait? Or is there a perfect time when you or your business team are ready for everything?
I have walked around with my own new business ideas for a long time now. In hindsight, I may have been waiting for the right time, place, situation, push, drive, knowledge, skills, experience or even planetary alignment. Off course, that moment has not come. But still, the obstacles to taking initiative, to taking a first step seem real.
I want to start moving. I know and feel I need to, it's a must-do. I have a great purpose, a vision, a strategy, a story to tell with new value to create (more on this in future posts).
In your own organization, business, department, team or your personal life you may also be waiting to start. To start moving to restructure, improve performance, digitalize, develop a new culture, learn new skills, modernize or implement a new strategy.
Waiting is costly. The world around you, your competition, your colleagues are moving quickly. Not taking action may not mean keeping the status-quo, the safe and comfortable situation you currently experience. Instead, your situation may deteriorate due to your inaction, or in the worst case you will lose your business.
You may be frustrated or have lack of energy because of your lack of action, your postponing, your excuses, maybe even procrastinating. The cost of inaction is too high. While the rewards of taking a first small step are huge - you can make your business', team's or your own vision a reality.